1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the famichiki.jp moderators.

  1. Be considerate. No discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, or any other characteristic.
  2. No trolling. Do not engage in non-constructive behavior designed to upset members of the community.
  3. Sexually explicit content must be behind a CW, and your bio (profile picture, banner etc) must be completely safe.
  4. No inciting violence or promoting violent ideologies.
  5. Don’t go overboard with media uploads. Treating Famichiki as free personal file storage is inappropriate and disrespectful to our contributors.
  6. No big corporate advertising or crypto. However, if you are active in the community and also have a project or small business to share, self-promotion is encouraged.
  7. Bots are allowed, within reason. Spamming the local timeline with repetitive/nearly-identical content is not permitted: either set your bot posts to ‘unlisted’ or try a more bot focused server instead. Ask us if you’re unsure!
  8. Don’t post or use this server for illegal content. We are aware of Japan’s questionable laws regarding the protection of minors: ‘illegal’ here also covers all CSEM/CSAM.
  9. Not your wank bank. Accounts with zero community interaction that only follow porn accounts will be banned. All accounts following CSAM (including art) will also be banned.